Are you finding yourself drinking more at home? You are not alone. A new study conducted by the Australian National University shows that overall, people have been drinking more frequently during the pandemic then they have in the last three years. Our increased...
Helpful Insights On Employee Asistance Programs
Pandemic Weight Gain?
.Pandemic Weight Gain? Get back on track with these top 12 tips Have you have noticed that you’ve gained some weight during COVID-19? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. According to the CSIRO, around 40% of Aussies have put on some “Corona kilos” during the last few...
What are you worrying about? Let me share my concerns
I am concerned about the mental health of our community members that increase the level or Depression. This includes workers who have lost their jobs; people who have lost access to relationships and the other supports that keep their personal energy in a positive...
Don’t forget to check in – it will cheer you up too
What’s your lockdown experience? Have you lost touch with the myriad of people that used to make up your daily pattern of social interactions? A growing body of research suggests that there are surprisingly powerful benefits to connecting with casual acquaintances —...
How to stay mentally healthy during the Christmas break
Stay Mentally Healthy in The Christmas. Because it is close to Christmas here are a few short words re the importance of your mental health. At the risk of appearing to be a "downer", here goes It’s a time that is really fabulous for some, not so good for others. If...
Are you an employer or manager? You need to know this. Burnout is now classified in the International Classification of Diseases
Why do you need to know Burnout? Because it is going to impact you. It is a new mental health classification and a diagnosis that is specific to workplaces. What does it mean to you, your organisation, and your employees? Burnout is becoming so common, some people...
Personally in sync or workplace imbalance – two ends of the burnout spectrum
Workplace Imbalance: I see people all the time who are suffering from burnout. In our first session we work backwards to identify causes, to look at what has happened and find out what the story is. Generally, the person lacks knowledge and understanding of their...
Committed to the business OR engaged at work?
Committed to the business OR engaged at work - Are these the same? Is one better than the other? Don’t the work outputs end up being the same? My answers in order are – No. Yes. Output maybe, satisfaction no. Being committed to the business translates to loyalty and...