
Prosocial @ Work

Prosocial Behaviour Training For Work In Australia

Prosocial @ Work is about creating groups that work for everyone.

Prosocial @ Work is our signature program for developing stronger groups, greater employee engagement and more productive relationships at work. Prosocial @ Work brings together self-aware people who share common goals to build powerful organisations.

ACT Curious Prosocial @ Work is a proven training program.  Prosocial @ Work promotes effective cooperative behaviour in any group, by combining the principles of individual psychological flexibility and prosocial behaviour.

Prosocial behaviour in the workplace is seen when people choose to act in ways which benefit other people, work groups, or the organisation.  Prosocial behaviour at work leads to greater productivity.

From Me to We to Us

Prosocial @ Work is more than simply good Human Resource Management.

With ACT Curious Prosocial @ Work training, we help individuals to deeply understand who they are, and to know who and what is important to them.  We build on this foundation to help groups identify shared values, goals and processes for positive cooperative relationships based upon mutual respect, reciprocity, and trust.

ACT Curious Prosocial @ Work training is based upon the Prosocial ‘ARC Process’ and strengthens:

  • Awareness of our internal thoughts
  • the quality of our Relationships
  • the Culture binding together our groups

What is prosocial behaviour in the workplace?

Prosocial behaviour at work includes helping others in their day-to-day work, sharing knowledge and ideas, volunteering for new or difficult roles, doing things behind the scenes to help other people excel, mentoring, and selfless leadership

Prosocial behaviour is contagious 

The fundamental goal of any leader should be to improve collective wellbeing.  Great leaders leave their group in a better place than which they found it.

You don’t need a title to be a leader.  Everyone can be a leader with their actions.

Acting in line with shared values, showing empathy, helping others to be their best, acts of kindness, and other prosocial behaviours are contagious.

Prosocial behaviour models and inspires others to also help others and act in line with shared values.

Move forward at work and at home with ACT Curious EAP

ACT Curious Prosocial @ Work training helps everyone develop the personal and interpersonal tools and understanding to be a great team member and a great leader in their own way. 

With ACT Curious EAP, your group has access to Prosocial @ Work training plus the full range of Employee Assistance Programs.  ACT Curious EAP services offer the tools and support to help individuals (via mentoring and Supervision, Manager Assist, Crisis Counselling, and ongoing EAP Counselling or Therapy) and groups (via Incident Debriefing) to learn and grow.

When you know yourself, know your fellow group members, and know what you stand for, everyone can move forward in a valued direction.  The combination of self-awareness and prosocial behaviour will have a positive impact upon your relationships at work and at home.

How do you promote prosocial behaviour in the workplace?

ACT Curious Prosocial @ Work training is a process for developing Awareness, strengthening Relationships, and understanding and evolving the Culture of a group:

    • Awareness of our internal thoughts comes from developing psychological flexibility.
    • The quality of our Relationships is reflected in our words, actions, and the nature of our cooperation with each other.
    • The Culture of our group is reflected in the observable evidence, stated and unstated values, and basic underlying assumptions of the group.

    ACT Curious Prosocial @ Work training helps group members to identify individual and shared values and goals, build psychological flexibility and improve cooperation in a process of well-managed cultural evolution.

    Prosocial @ Work training

    Using a structured process based upon Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), ACT Curious Prosocial @ Work training asks group members to reflect, identify and discuss the inner thoughts and feelings and visible actions.

    ACT Curious Prosocial @ Work training sessions help individuals and groups to move toward their shared goals while acting in line with their values.

    ACT Curious Prosocial @ Work training address the issues every group needs to manage well, by using these questions:

    # 1   What matters the most to us as a group?

    # 2  What actions are consistent with what matters to us as a group?

    # 3  What thoughts and feelings might stop us acting in a way reflecting what matters the most to us?

    # 4  What are we likely to be doing if such thoughts or feelings take a grip of us?

    # 5  What strategies might help us act with awareness, self-compassion, and keep moving in the direction most important to us, if such thoughts, feelings, or behaviours emerge?

    Applying Prosocial @ Work training to create prosocial behaviour at work

    ACT Curious Prosocial @ Work training helps group members to find common ground on their values and goals.  This allows agreement on processes for collective decision-making, monitoring behaviour, and conflict resolution.  

    Prosocial @ Work training also helps group members to agree on what is fair and reasonable in the allocation of work, rewards, and punishment, in a way that reflects their shared values and goals.

    Eight ‘Core Design Principles’ for all Groups 

    Extensive research by Elinor Ostrom, winner of the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences, and others has identified eight issues central to group performance. 

     It doesn’t matter whether you are the director or chief executive of a large company, a small business owner, running a local sporting club, protecting natural resources, managing a government agency, or operating a not-for-profit; every organisation need to address eight Core Design Principles:


    1.      Creation of a shared identity and purpose (identifying group members and goals).
    2.      Equitable allocation of individual contributions and benefits (distributive fairness).
    3.     Fair and inclusive decision-making processes (with group members making the decisions affecting them).
    4.     Monitoring of agreed behaviours (identifying prosocial and self-serving behaviour).
    5.     Graduated responses to helpful and unhelpful behaviour (including sanctions).
    6.     Fast and fair conflict resolution (procedural fairness).
    7.     The authority to self-govern (according to the agreed principles 1–6).
    8.     Collaborative relations with other groups (also based upon the Core Design Principles).

    The benefits of prosocial behaviour  

    ACT Curious Prosocial @ Work:           

    >     is practicing psychological flexibility                      >     promotes prosocial behaviour

    >     is deeply knowing your personal values                >     identifies shared values and how to live them

    >     strengthens employee engagement                     >     identifies shared goals and how to achieve them

    >     boosts workplace communication                         >     is practicing empathy 

    >     builds trust                                                                   >     deepens mutual respect        

    >     promotes selfless leadership                                   >     is contagious     

    Contact ACT Curious

    Contact us online or via email, hello@actcurious.com, to book a conversation to learn more about Prosocial @ Work.

    We will work with you to plan a flexible and individualised Prosocial @ Work training program that will boost the productivity, cooperation and wellbeing of your staff and help everyone realise their full potential.

    ACT Curious EAP and Prosocial @ Work allow everyone to be their best at work and at home.
