

What is EAP?

An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a set of free mental health and wellbeing services, funded by an employer, for the benefit of all employees. Most workplaces also include employees' immediate family as eligible to also access EAP services.

Employees and their family members are able to access these professional services on a confidential basis, to help deal with personal or work-related problems that might be impacting upon their overall functioning or wellbeing, job performance and/or productivity at work.

Specific ACT Curious EAP services target the needs of employees, family members and managers.

We help people address issues such as anxiety, depression, stress, burnout, relationships issues with other staff members, personal relationships and crisis situations at work or at home.

For more information, please see our ACT Curious EAP services page, and contact us online or call us on (03) 9346 8414 or 0438 922 979 to discuss your needs.

What is EAP counselling?

ACT Curious EAP includes both individual and group counselling services.

An individual EAP counselling session will help you tackle workplace or personal mental health issues in the same way as if you have privately booked an appointment with one of our ACT Curious psychologists, counsellors, clinical social workers and other allied health professionals.

Your ACT Curious therapist will work with you to identify the right approach to counselling. We use effective and proven treatments including:

ACT – Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Mindfulness

CBT – Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing

DBT – Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT)

EFT – Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT)

Please contact us to discuss EAP counselling.

What other EAP services do you offer?

Other ACT Curious EAP services include Crisis Counselling and Critical Incident Debriefing Support for individuals or groups dealing with personal matters or a shared experience.

Individual managers may seek timely one-off advice via our Manager Assist service. We also offer ongoing coaching, leadership and professional development under the Supervision of one of our experienced ACT Curious therapists.

ACT Curious Prosocial @ Work is our signature program for developing stronger groups, greater employee engagement and more productive relationships at work.

Please contact us online, or call us on (03) 9346 8414 or 0438 922 979 to discuss your personal or organisational needs.

    Is EAP Counselling confidential?

    Yes! Your privacy is important. We ensure your personal information remains confidential. We are also bound by our professional code of confidentiality.

    What you talk about with your ACT Curious Therapist is not shared with anyone else, unless you give your written consent, where there is a legal obligation to do so, or if there is an immediate and specified risk of harm to the employee or others. Limits to confidentiality are discussed in the first session so that you are aware of our processes.

    We may also be required by law to provide your information to another party in some cases. Please see our Privacy Policy for further information.

    Who will I see? Will I see the same therapist each time? Can I change therapists?

    When you contact us, one of our friendly Intake Team will help you to select the right ACT Curious therapist for your needs.

    Our experienced team of psychologists, counsellors, social workers, and other allied health professionals always seek to offer you continuity of service. If you are a ‘good fit’ with your therapist, you would normally see that person for each session.

    It is important you feel comfortable with your therapist. You are welcome to contact our Intake Team again if you would prefer a different therapist for a future session.

    How much does it cost?

    If your employer has partnered with ACT Curious EAP, our services are free!

    If you have exhausted your allocated work funded sessions and need further assistance your employer may fund further sessions or you can continue treatment privately under your private health cover or by referral from your General Practitioner

    How long does each session last?

    A standard individual counselling session with one of our ACT Curious therapists goes for 50 minutes.

    You may require specific EAP services or advice which requires a longer session. For example, incident debriefing or a group counselling and training session usually requires several hours or more.

    Please contact us to discuss and plan sessions tailored to your needs.

    How many sessions will I need?

    Most people who access ACT Curious EAP or our personal Counselling Services have, on average, about 6 sessions with one of our ACT Curious therapists.

    Challenging workplace or personal situations often require ongoing counselling.

    If you are seeking advice on a specific issue, sometimes 1 or 2 sessions is all you need

    Please contact us to discuss and plan sessions tailored to your needs.

    Can my session be online? Can my session be over the phone?

    Yes! We can arrange for your counselling sessions with an ACT Curious Therapist to be held remotely.

    Many ACT Curious clients prefer either a video call, or telephone call to in-person counselling. You may prefer the privacy or convenience of remote counselling too.

    For more information, please contact us, and see our blog on the benefits of remote counselling